Orthopedic doctor in Kanpur
Dr Agrawal is orthopedic doctor in kanpur. are open to all patients every day and provide fundamental medical care with cutting-edge technology in an easily accessible location in Kanpur, U.P . We use our superior academic and applied knowledge to treat a wide range of health issues, taking a personal touch and utilizing highly specialized and up-to-date research. He is md to satya hospital

Sports injury specialist/doctor in kanpur
Dr Agrawal is sports injury specialist/doctor in kanpur. Satya hospital is renowned arthroscopic center for sports injury in entire Uttar Pradesh. Patients of ligament rupture, Knee injuries, ACL, PCL, Meniscus injuries get arthroscopic repairs and go back to work very quickly and with same level of physical performance as pre-injury level. Many young athletes come for their recurrent shoulder dislocation problem and cuff tear. Many frozen shoulder patients are treated by arthroscopy. We have imported arthroscope system of high quality.
Orthopedic surgeon/doctor in kanpur.
Dr Agrawal is orthopedic surgeon/doctor in kanpur. With 25 years of experience Satya Hospital is providing relief and therapy to the patients. We aim to provide the best treatment, which is easily accessible and affordable. at Satya Hospital, we provide you with seamless care. Every aspect of your care is coordinated and teams of experts work together to provide exactly the care you need. What might take months elsewhere can often be done in days here.

Best Gynecologist in Kanpur
Dr Manisha Agrawal is gyno surgeon/doctor in kanpur. With 25 years of experience Satya Hospital is providing relief and therapy to the patients. At Satya Hospital we provide primary healthcare and Obstetrics & Gynecology services, offering a broad range of solutions for women including preventive care, wellness programs, comprehensive consultations, advanced diagnostic and treatment options.